When you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, you have to analyze the evidence that the prosecution intends to present against you. Only then will you know what you’re truly up against. But as you engage in that process, you might be dismayed to learn that the...
White Collar Crimes
What is embezzlement and how can it be proven?
Embezzlement is a serious crime that stands out from other types of theft because embezzlers betray trust. Unlike burglars or pickpockets, embezzlers use their trusted positions to steal for personal gain. This blog will explain what embezzlement is and how...
Errors to avoid when building a white-collar crime defense
A white-collar crime charge, like one pertaining to fraud or embezzlement, can crater life as you know it. There’s a good chance you’ll lose your job, suffer disgrace in your community and your profession, and face the real possibility of prison time. As scary as that...
What is a white-collar crime?
Law enforcement also investigates crimes that can occur quietly in the boardroom or online. These offenses include nonviolent crimes that were allegedly committed for financial gain. White collar crime These offenses are commonly referred to as white collar crimes....